perl: add archlib_exp variable used to generate ARCHLIB_EXP in config.h
perl.c uses an ARCHLIB_EXP define to generate compile-time code that
adds the archlibexp path to @INC during run-time initialization of a
new perl interpreter.
Because we've changed this value in a temporary way to make it
possible to use ExtUtils::Embed in the target build (the temporary
value in gets re-stripped out during packaging), the
ARCHLIB_EXP value that gets generated still uses the temporary version
instead of the original expected version (i.e. becauses it's in the
generated config.h, it doesn't get stripped out during packaging like
the others in

This creates an unmodified version called archlib_exp that gets used
by a modified config_h.SH to get the correct value into config.h
This patch uses an unmodified version of archlibexp called
archlib_exp, introduced to, which is used to generate the
correct value of ARCHLIB_EXP into config.h
See YOCTO #3099 for more info.

Upstream-Status:Inappropriate [embedded specific]

Signed-off-by: Tom Zanussi <>

Index: perl-5.14.2/config_h.SH
--- perl-5.14.2.orig/config_h.SH
+++ perl-5.14.2/config_h.SH
@@ -996,7 +996,7 @@ sed <<!GROK!THIS! >$CONFIG_H -e 's!^#und
  *	in programs that are not prepared to deal with ~ expansion at run-time.
 #$d_archlib ARCHLIB "$archlib"		/**/
-#$d_archlib ARCHLIB_EXP "$archlibexp"		/**/
+#$d_archlib ARCHLIB_EXP "$archlib_exp"		/**/
  *	This symbol holds a string representing the architecture name.