If we run builds on a filesystem with 64 bit inodes like XFS, we need to
map the inode numbers to something 32 bit since the cpio header only allows
for 32 bit inode values. If we don't do this:

#define SET_NUM_FIELD(phys, val, space) \
        sprintf(space, "%8.8lx", (unsigned long) (val)); \
        memcpy(phys, space, 8)

from cpio.c will print larger that 8 character values and then truncate the 
LSBs. This generates cpio files where hardlinked files may have the same
inode number. The resulting rpms are then corrupted.

There is a separate patch for the crash the identical inode numbers causes
when extracting the rpm.

Patch taken from http://git.pld-linux.org/?p=packages/rpm.git;a=commitdiff;h=10526c23aac60b7b636e4c93862887dbef8e8f15

RP 2014/6/10

Upstream-Status: Pending

Index: rpm-5.4.14/build/files.c
--- rpm-5.4.14.orig/build/files.c
+++ rpm-5.4.14/build/files.c
@@ -1328,6 +1328,26 @@ static rpmuint32_t getDigestAlgo(Header
     return dalgo;
+static int isHardLink(FileListRec flp, FileListRec tlp)
+    return ((S_ISREG(flp->fl_mode) && S_ISREG(tlp->fl_mode)) &&
+            ((flp->fl_nlink > 1) && (flp->fl_nlink == tlp->fl_nlink)) &&
+            (flp->fl_ino == tlp->fl_ino) &&
+            (flp->fl_dev == tlp->fl_dev));
+static int seenHardLink(FileList fl, FileListRec flp, ino_t *fileid)
+    FileListRec ilp;
+    for (ilp = fl->fileList; ilp < flp; ilp++) {
+        if (isHardLink(flp, ilp)) {
+            *fileid = ilp - fl->fileList;
+            return 1;
+        }
+    }
+    return 0;
  * Add file entries to header.
  * @todo Should directories have %doc/%config attributes? (#14531)
@@ -1374,6 +1394,7 @@ memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));	/* XXX valg
     for (i = 0, flp = fl->fileList; i < fl->fileListRecsUsed; i++, flp++) {
 	const char *s;
+	ino_t fileid = flp - fl->fileList;
  	/* Merge duplicate entries. */
 	while (i < (fl->fileListRecsUsed - 1) &&
@@ -1436,6 +1457,13 @@ memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));	/* XXX valg
 	/* Leave room for both dirname and basename NUL's */
 	dpathlen += (strlen(flp->diskURL) + 2);
+	/* Excludes and dupes have been filtered out by now. */
+	if (S_ISREG(flp->fl_mode)) {
+	    if (flp->fl_nlink == 1 || !seenHardLink(fl, flp, &fileid)) {
+		fl->totalFileSize += flp->fl_size;
+	    }
+	}
 	 * Make the header, the OLDFILENAMES will get converted to a 
 	 * compressed file list write before we write the actual package to
@@ -1518,7 +1546,11 @@ memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));	/* XXX valg
 	/* XXX Hash instead of 64b->32b truncate to prevent aliasing. */
 	{   ino_t _ino = flp->fl_ino;
+	/* don't use hash here, as hash collisions which happen on large packages
+	   cause bus errors in rpmbuild
 	    ui32 = hashFunctionString(0, &_ino, sizeof(_ino));
+	*/
+	    ui32 = fileid + 1;
 	he->t = RPM_UINT32_TYPE;
@@ -1751,39 +1783,6 @@ if (_rpmbuildFlags & 4) {
 	if (isSrc)
 	    fi->fmapflags[i] |= IOSM_FOLLOW_SYMLINKS;
-	if (S_ISREG(flp->fl_mode)) {
-	    int bingo = 1;
-	    /* Hard links need be tallied only once. */
-	    if (flp->fl_nlink > 1) {
-		FileListRec jlp = flp + 1;
-		int j = i + 1;
-		for (; (unsigned)j < fi->fc; j++, jlp++) {
-		    /* follow outer loop logic */
-		    while (((jlp - fl->fileList) < (fl->fileListRecsUsed - 1)) &&
-			    !strcmp(jlp->fileURL, jlp[1].fileURL))
-			jlp++;
-		    if (jlp->flags & RPMFILE_EXCLUDE) {
-			j--;
-			/*@innercontinue@*/ continue;
-		    }
-		    if (jlp->flags & RPMFILE_GHOST)
-		        /*@innercontinue@*/ continue;
-		    if (!S_ISREG(jlp->fl_mode))
-			/*@innercontinue@*/ continue;
-		    if (flp->fl_nlink != jlp->fl_nlink)
-			/*@innercontinue@*/ continue;
-		    if (flp->fl_ino != jlp->fl_ino)
-			/*@innercontinue@*/ continue;
-		    if (flp->fl_dev != jlp->fl_dev)
-			/*@innercontinue@*/ continue;
-		    bingo = 0;	/* don't tally hardlink yet. */
-		    /*@innerbreak@*/ break;
-		}
-	    }
-	    if (bingo)
-		fl->totalFileSize += flp->fl_size;
-	}
     ui32 = fl->totalFileSize;
Index: rpm-5.4.14/lib/fsm.c
--- rpm-5.4.14.orig/lib/fsm.c
+++ rpm-5.4.14/lib/fsm.c
@@ -904,6 +904,7 @@ int fsmMapAttrs(IOSM_t fsm)
     if (fi && i >= 0 && i < (int) fi->fc) {
 	mode_t perms = (S_ISDIR(st->st_mode) ? fi->dperms : fi->fperms);
+	ino_t finalInode = (fi->finodes ? (ino_t)fi->finodes[i] : 0);
 	mode_t finalMode = (fi->fmodes ? (mode_t)fi->fmodes[i] : perms);
 	dev_t finalRdev = (dev_t)(fi->frdevs ? fi->frdevs[i] : 0);
 	rpmuint32_t finalMtime = (fi->fmtimes ? fi->fmtimes[i] : 0);
@@ -943,6 +944,7 @@ int fsmMapAttrs(IOSM_t fsm)
 	    if ((S_ISCHR(st->st_mode) || S_ISBLK(st->st_mode))
 	    && st->st_nlink == 0)
 		st->st_nlink = 1;
+	    st->st_ino = finalInode;
 	    st->st_rdev = finalRdev;
 	    st->st_mtime = finalMtime;