From 55d430eb02fc116581847304ca20321687978269 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonathan Nieder <>
Date: Fri, 27 Jul 2012 10:35:07 -0500
Subject: Memoize::Storable: respect 'nstore' option not respected
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Memoize(3perl) says:

                tie my %cache => 'Memoize::Storable', $filename, 'nstore';
                memoize 'function', SCALAR_CACHE => [HASH => \%cache];

        Include the ‘nstore’ option to have the "Storable" database
        written in ‘network order’.  (See Storable for more details
        about this.)

In fact the "nstore" option does no such thing.  Option parsing looks
like this:

        @options{@_} = ();

$self->{OPTIONS}{'nstore'} is accordingly set to undef.  Later
Memoize::Storable checks if the option is true, and since undef is
not true, the "else" branch is always taken.

        if ($self->{OPTIONS}{'nstore'}) {
                Storable::nstore($self->{H}, $self->{FILENAME});
        } else {
                Storable::store($self->{H}, $self->{FILENAME});

Correcting the condition to (exists $self->{OPTIONS}{'nstore'}) fixes

Noticed because git-svn, which uses the 'nstore' option for its
on-disk caches, was producing

        Byte order is not compatible at ../../lib/

when run using a perl with a different integer size (and hence

Reported by Tim Retout (RT#77790)

Patch-Name: fixes/memoize_storable_nstore.diff
 cpan/Memoize/Memoize/ |  2 +-
 cpan/Memoize/t/tie_storable.t    | 24 ++++++++++++++++++++----
 2 files changed, 21 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/cpan/Memoize/Memoize/ b/cpan/Memoize/Memoize/
index 1314797..87876f2 100644
--- a/cpan/Memoize/Memoize/
+++ b/cpan/Memoize/Memoize/
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ sub DESTROY {
   require Carp if $Verbose;
   my $self= shift;
   print STDERR "Memoize::Storable::DESTROY(@_)\n" if $Verbose;
-  if ($self->{OPTIONS}{'nstore'}) {
+  if (exists $self->{OPTIONS}{'nstore'}) {
     Storable::nstore($self->{H}, $self->{FILENAME});
   } else {
     Storable::store($self->{H}, $self->{FILENAME});
diff --git a/cpan/Memoize/t/tie_storable.t b/cpan/Memoize/t/tie_storable.t
index de3b8dc..a624238 100644
--- a/cpan/Memoize/t/tie_storable.t
+++ b/cpan/Memoize/t/tie_storable.t
@@ -31,18 +31,34 @@ if ($@) {
   exit 0;
-print "1..4\n";
+print "1..9\n";
 $file = "storable$$";
 1 while unlink $file;
 tryout('Memoize::Storable', $file, 1);  # Test 1..4
 1 while unlink $file;
+tryout('Memoize::Storable', $file, 5, 'nstore');  # Test 5..8
+assert_netorder($file, 9);  # Test 9
+1 while unlink $file;
+sub assert_netorder {
+  my ($file, $testno) = @_;
+  my $netorder = Storable::file_magic($file)->{'netorder'};
+  print ($netorder ? "ok $testno\n" : "not ok $testno\n");
 sub tryout {
-  my ($tiepack, $file, $testno) = @_;
+  my ($tiepack, $file, $testno, $option) = @_;
-  tie my %cache => $tiepack, $file
-    or die $!;
+  if (defined $option) {
+    tie my %cache => $tiepack, $file, $option
+      or die $!;
+  } else {
+    tie my %cache => $tiepack, $file
+      or die $!;
+  }
   memoize 'c5', 
   SCALAR_CACHE => [HASH => \%cache],