From a9fc13b2aee55655d58fcb77a3180fa99f96438a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Andr=C3=A9=20Draszik?= <>
Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2018 16:45:05 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] update-ca-certificates: use relative symlinks from
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update-ca-certificates symlinks (trusted) certificates
update-ca-certificates can call hook scripts installed
into /etc/ca-certificates/update.d. Those scripts are
passed the pem file in /etc/ssl/certs/ that was added or
removed in this run and those pem files are absolute
symlinks into $CERTSDIR or $LOCALCERTSDIR at the moment.

When running update-ca-certificates during image build
time, they thusly all point into the host's file system,
not into the $SYSROOT. This means:
* the host's file system layout must match the one
  produced by OE, and
* it also means that the host must have installed the same
  (or more) certificates as the target in $CERTSDIR and

This is a problem when wanting to execute hook scripts,
because they all need to be taught about $SYSROOT, and
behave differently depending on whether they're called
at image build time, or on the target, as otherwise they
will be trying to actually read the host's certificates

This also is a problem when running anything else during
image build time that depends on the trusted CA

Changing the symlink to be relative solves all of these
problems. Do so.

Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [OE-specific]
Signed-off-by: André Draszik <>
 sbin/update-ca-certificates | 6 ++++--
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/sbin/update-ca-certificates b/sbin/update-ca-certificates
index 00f80c7..7e911a9 100755
--- a/sbin/update-ca-certificates
+++ b/sbin/update-ca-certificates
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ CERTSDIR=$SYSROOT/usr/share/ca-certificates
+FSROOT=../../../ # to get from $ETCCERTSDIR to the root of the file system
 while [ $# -gt 0 ];
@@ -125,9 +126,10 @@ add() {
   PEM="$ETCCERTSDIR/$(basename "$CERT" .crt | sed -e 's/ /_/g' \
                                                   -e 's/[()]/=/g' \
                                                   -e 's/,/_/g').pem"
-  if ! test -e "$PEM" || [ "$(readlink "$PEM")" != "${CERT##$SYSROOT}" ]
+  DST="$(echo ${CERT} | sed -e "s|^$SYSROOT||" -e "s|^/|$FSROOT|" )"
+  if ! test -e "$PEM" || [ "$(readlink "$PEM")" != "${DST}" ]
-    ln -sf "${CERT##$SYSROOT}" "$PEM"
+    ln -sf "${DST}" "$PEM"
     echo "+$PEM" >> "$ADDED"
   # Add trailing newline to certificate, if it is missing (#635570)