perl: disable auto requires

When generating automatic requirements, it's possible for perl scripts to
declare 'optional' dependencies.  These seem to often be incorrect and will
cause installation failures in OE.  Instead of fixing the perl scripts, it
was decided it is better to simply disable the automatic dependency
generation.  This matches the behavior from the previous RPM5 implementation.

Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [OE specific configuration]

Signed-off-by: Mark Hatle <>

Index: git/fileattrs/perl.attr
--- git.orig/fileattrs/perl.attr
+++ git/fileattrs/perl.attr
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-%__perl_requires	%{_rpmconfigdir}/perl.req
+#__perl_requires	%{_rpmconfigdir}/perl.req
 %__perl_magic		^.*[Pp]erl .*$
 %__perl_flags		exeonly
Index: git/fileattrs/perllib.attr
--- git.orig/fileattrs/perllib.attr
+++ git/fileattrs/perllib.attr
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 %__perllib_provides	%{_rpmconfigdir}/perl.prov
-%__perllib_requires	%{_rpmconfigdir}/perl.req
+#__perllib_requires	%{_rpmconfigdir}/perl.req
 %__perllib_magic	^Perl[[:digit:]] module source.*
 %__perllib_path		\\.pm$
 %__perllib_flags	magic_and_path