
# run-ptest - 'ptest' test infrastructure shell script that
#   wraps the libevent test scripts
# Trevor Gamblin <trevor.gamblin@windriver.com>
LOG="${LIBEVENTLIB}/ptest/libevent_ptest_$(date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S).log"

cd ${LIBEVENTLIB}/ptest

# Run only the libevent "regress" test. All other test scripts in the
# libevent "test" folder are related to performance, e.g. read/write
# rates, and/or do not provide a pass/fail output that can be recorded
# in the ptest log.
./test/regress 2>&1| sed -e '/TESTS/d' -e '/tests/d' -e '/OK/ s/^/PASS: / ; /FAILED/ s/^/FAIL: / ; /SKIPPED/ s/^/SKIP: / ; /DISABLED/ s/^/SKIP: /' | cut -f1,2 -d ':' | tee -a ${LOG}

passed=`grep PASS: ${LOG}|wc -l`
failed=`grep FAIL: ${LOG}|wc -l`
skipped=`grep -E SKIP: ${LOG}|wc -l`
all=$((passed + failed + skipped))

(   echo "=== Test Summary ==="
    echo "TOTAL: ${all}"
    echo "PASSED: ${passed}"
    echo "FAILED: ${failed}"
    echo "SKIPPED: ${skipped}"
) | tee -a ${LOG}